Rua Paraíba, 1465 / 11th Floor. Savassi. Belo Horizonte


excellence in mining

Boost your mining operations with complete and high performance solutions.

THE prominas offers cutting-edge technology and excellent services to maximize your productivity and profitability.

THE synergy perfect between mining and technology

We integrate technological advancements with mining processes, exponentially increasing operational efficiency within mines. Discover how we can transform your operations!

Mining consultancy services from Exploration to Mine Closure.


MINEPLAN hexagon®

Accurate 3D modeling and powerful data visualization ensure productive mines with fully optimized processes.


Technological innovations to offer integrated and customized solutions in mining.


We develop and deliver advanced development programs to train professionals in the mining sector.



Cutting-edge solutions with high quality standards and advanced technology.
We promote sustainable development with balance, seeking to preserve natural resources.
We respect the principles, policies and procedures defined by the company and regulated by law, ensuring the trust of our customers and partners.
Our Data Driven culture allows us to achieve high performance, with concrete and thoroughly analyzed information. Ensuring efficiency and exceptional results.


Meet our long-standing customers who guarantee our mining excellence!
articles of the
prominas blog
06 Dec: D&T – HxM Blast drilling plans with all the details.

Hexagon Mining brings precision and reliability to one of the most challenging stages of mining using its new drill and blast manager, HxM Blast. In a single interface it unites the design of drilling plans, inclusion of blasting parameters for the holes and moorings to the fire plan. In this way HxM Blast brings much more control over the design, management and reporting of drill plans. HxM Blast can work with existing fire plane polygons in MineSight or digitize a new one within the tool. For this you can count on extremely easy options, Template assignments and pre-defined functions for the design, naming your holes and defining dimension values for the mouth of the holes, for example. The configuration of spacing and spacing of the holes is completely dynamic, to facilitate…

05 Dec: Prominas/MineSight Newsletter: Point Cloud Mesher – Revolutionizing work with large surfaces.

The new Point Cloud Mesher (PCM) is a simple but very powerful application tool that was created with the aim of facilitating and improving work with large surfaces. It gives MineSight users the ability to triangulate from a 3D perspective coming from big point cloud data. Three-dimensional representations of underground cavities, tunnels, complex topographies and with a high level of detail can be easily and quickly generated while preserving their original features. In addition, PCM can refine the triangular mesh, performing surface interpolation to smooth data roughness or to variably discretize surface triangles, thus reducing complexity and file size, optimizing calculations and future work. Several mines in Brazil and around the world still face problems in the treatment and manipulation of surfaces with high levels of detail….

03 Dec: How to do mining sequencing with inclined benches

In open-pit mines located in regions with high rainfall, the drainage system is crucial to the efficiency of mining operations. Driving effluents out of the pit requires tilting the mining benches in order to direct the water to previously studied collection points. This article explores how mining bank inclination and appropriate methodology can facilitate mining planning and sequencing in open pit mines. Importance of Drainage System in Open Cast Mines In areas with high rainfall, efficient drainage is vital. Accumulated water can compromise the safety and efficiency of mining operations. Therefore, tilting the mining benches to guide water to specific collection points is essential. However, designing inclined mining plans for extensive mines…

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