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articles of the
prominas blog
18 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Variographic Modeling and Grade Interpolation.

This Tips & Tricks provides helpful suggestions on how to refine interpolation parameters and improve the accuracy of your 3D block model (3DBM). The Pintrpq.dat procedure in MineSight Compass uses MineSight Torque drillthrough data to interpolate values in the block model. Several different interpolation methods can be performed with this procedure: kriging techniques, including ordinary kriging and indicatrix kriging, the gradient technique, among others. You can create multiple block models or multiple model items for any parameter in order to compare and verify the results of different interpolations. Limiting the tween area The ability to limit the area of your tween implies that the pintrpq.dat procedure will run faster, making your operations more time efficient. If you have a particular model…

18 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: What's New in Pit Expansion.

MineSight has an excellent tool for the design of operational pits, mine plans, piles, among others. In today's Tips & Tricks, we'll cover the latest features built into the MineSight Pit Expansion Tool. From version 9.50 of MineSight 3D, in Pit Expansion it is possible to generate the reserve report in real time, export surfaces, pit solids or feeds, bench midlines, ramp center lines for geometric objects and also save the drawing history, and use it after restarting the tool. Reservations With this new option, it is possible to generate reservation reports in real time for each bench created, for which the user must only indicate a MineSight Reserve reservation logic file and choose the desired option. The calculation of reservations will be carried out after each…

15 Dec: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: Digline in MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO)

One of the advantages of MineSight, which contains fully integrated tools, is being able to optimize it more and more to make your day-to-day tasks easier! Now, starting with version 8.90, MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) has a new item integrated with MineSight 3D in its menu: the Digline tab. Thus, you can add areas for level cut groups and diglines to predefined areas, relocate diglines to alternate areas, change their sequence, and easily locate Groups, Diglines and Direction directly in MSSO by interacting on the MineSight 3D canvas. These new options in the MSSO allow for greater agility and flexibility in adjusting your sequencing. Mining direction is a key configuration for a good sequencing result and for that, the user can intuitively add, edit, remove, locate and delete groups and diglines always integrated into MineSight 3D. In addition to the previous options, you can view Mining Area, Phase, Level, Name, Digline, Direction and Partition from…

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