excellence in mining
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THE synergy perfect between mining and technology
Mining consultancy services from Exploration to Mine Closure.
MINEPLAN hexagon®
Accurate 3D modeling and powerful data visualization ensure productive mines with fully optimized processes.
Technological innovations to offer integrated and customized solutions in mining.
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The robustness of the MineSight Economic Planner (MSEP) tool is directly linked to the history of Mintec and MineSight. Developed since 1970 and improved over the years, MSEP provides us with great ease, speed and reliability which are the hallmarks of MineSight tools. MSEP is at the top of the MineSight spiral, being a powerful tool that allows the design of economic pits, phases/pushbacks, production simulations, sequencing scenarios, economic evaluations, among others. With a diverse range of options, it can be used for pre-feasibility and economic feasibility studies, as well as in the conceptual study stages of a mining project. At the base of the tool is the MSOPIT, which uses the Lerchs-Grossman or Floating Cones algorithms for economic evaluation of the block model. Allied to the great features of MSEP is the Multi-Run facility, which enables…
We know that many times the manipulation of the block model is a little time consuming due to the amount of variables and blocks. In the case of deposits with analysis by granulometric range, this number of variables increases considerably. To estimate the model by range, the technique of accumulating the grade variables by range is used and these values are stored in the samples/composites and block model, requiring the creation of unaccumulated and accumulated variables per element. In this way, the model becomes confusing due to the immensity of variables, in addition to the user having to execute routines for the accumulation and deaccumulation calculations, causing a considerable increase in the process time, as the user must spend time executing such routines and the model due to its physical size (because of so many variables) makes executions slower. Through this tip…
This week we are going to talk about the big and important news for underground mine projects and how MineSight has managed to integrate numerous tools to facilitate the work and optimize the time of professionals in the area. This will be the first in a series of Tips & Tricks aimed exclusively at Underground tools. In this way, we will talk about how MineSight is the result of the application of experience and knowledge in order to illuminate the tasks of evaluation and engineering of underground mines. Atlas, Stope, Sub-Blocking, Implicit Modeler and a host of new CAD tools are the result of all this effort. MineSight Atlas and MineSight Sub-Blocking open up a new world of modeling and activity-based planning work for underground mines. In conjunction with MineSight Stope, Decline Design and Room and Pillar tools, the demand for productivity is now even more favorable under the surface. “MineSight…