Rua Paraíba, 1465 / 11th Floor. Savassi. Belo Horizonte


excellence in mining

Boost your mining operations with complete and high performance solutions.

THE prominas offers cutting-edge technology and excellent services to maximize your productivity and profitability.

THE synergy perfect between mining and technology

We integrate technological advancements with mining processes, exponentially increasing operational efficiency within mines. Discover how we can transform your operations!

Mining consultancy services from Exploration to Mine Closure.


MINEPLAN hexagon®

Accurate 3D modeling and powerful data visualization ensure productive mines with fully optimized processes.


Technological innovations to offer integrated and customized solutions in mining.


We develop and deliver advanced development programs to train professionals in the mining sector.



Cutting-edge solutions with high quality standards and advanced technology.
We promote sustainable development with balance, seeking to preserve natural resources.
We respect the principles, policies and procedures defined by the company and regulated by law, ensuring the trust of our customers and partners.
Our Data Driven culture allows us to achieve high performance, with concrete and thoroughly analyzed information. Ensuring efficiency and exceptional results.


Meet our long-standing customers who guarantee our mining excellence!
articles of the
prominas blog
12 Jan: D&T Promines | MinePlan Schedule Optimizer

MinePlan Schedule Optimizer | Assigning Excavators by Diglines: Added new features to MinePlan Schedule Optimizer in MinePlan 2022 Release 4. Did you know that the new release of MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, introduces new features to MinePlan Schedule Optimizer that make viewing and validation easier of mining plans? The MPSO consists of a unique and scalable solution for preparing mine plans. MinePlan users are executing optimized plans for the viability and useful life of their mines, or even production plans on an even shorter horizon. Hexagon continues to add functionality that puts greater operational control in the hands of users and allows them to clearly convey operational plans from the results produced by the MPSO. Excavators can now be assigned to a cut group…

Activity Scheduler 1
09 Jan: D&T Promines | Activity Scheduler | performance improvement

Activity Scheduler | Performance Improvement: Improved Activity Scheduler performance in MinePlan 2022 Release 4. Did you know that the new version of MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, has improved Activity Scheduler performance through a change in data storage? The latest update to MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, includes a change to the way data is stored in Activity Scheduler and Planner. This change will allow users to more efficiently access and store data, which in turn will lead to performance improvements for loading and editing project data. Hexagon has seen how the Activity Scheduler (MPAS) is applied in many areas and commodities, where each mine has numerous challenges and unique characteristics. The sequencing solutions developed in MPAS evolve as MinePlan users understand…

06 Jan: Promine Tips & Tricks | Cyclone 3DR – Axis Registration

Cyclone 3DR – Axis Registration: Registration of the axes in the laser/drone point cloud survey. Did you know that it is possible to register the axes of a point cloud survey in the project axes? When working with different point cloud surveys, it is necessary to correctly register the project axes of this survey, requiring pairs of 3 notable points, 3 points for the acquired point cloud and 3 points in real project coordinates. In this way, Cyclone 3DR can help in this step, through the use of the Axis Registration tool, located in the menu Coord Sys > Axis Registration. To activate the tool, just select the cloud of points and the notable points in CAD to be registered, make the path layer visible in real coordinates and go to the Axis Registration option. More…

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