We would like to announce the update of the “MinePlan 2022 Release 1” available on the Hexagon Mining website at the session "Client Center”, which can be accessed via the link //planning.hexagonmining.com. These files are also available via the link //client-portal.hexagonmining.com/.
This release contains several improvements and performance improvements.
HxGN MinePlan 3D 16.0.2 Includes the following improvements:
- Improved performance when exporting large DXF files.
- Better role performance delete faces.
- Enables the use of the SHIFT key when renaming a folder.
- Fix CTRL+G shortcut to create a new one Geometry Object.
- Fixes an issue with the PopUp Menu by right-clicking.
- Fixes a performance issue when toggling the light bulb in object properties.
- Fixes an issue where the properties dialog of the drillhole hides behind the Data Manager after clicking APPLY.
- Fix functionality "Select a Grid in the Viewer” in the viewer.
- Fixes an issue where certain characters in element names in DXF are changed to underscores.
- Fix option “Reset before load" of drillhole.
- Fixes a LGO highlighting issue.
- Fix cursor rotation hotkeys.
- Fixes a crashing issue in the tool Stope Optimizer.
- Fixes an issue in Datamine Importer which does not deal with negative values.
- Fixes an issue where subfolders are not available during an operation.
- Fixes an issue where a wrong license message dongle was displayed.
- Fixes an issue with the Plot Layout where export file types are mixed.
- The following plugins have been updated to support the Drillhole Manager 6.1.0: MIT 1.80.5, Logic 1.50.6, MSIM 1.70.7, MSIM.Engine 1.11, Unfolding 2.3.4, DHCT 1.2.1 and MSDBM 4.2.
Model Calculation Tool 2.1.1
- Fixes an issue where the procedure logic was unavailable.
- Fixes a bug when opening the dialog Template MCT when using a procedure Model Calculation Tool at the logic.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
GeoLogic 2.0 includes the following updates:
- allows a project geologic be created without the need for a database of the Drillhole Manager, and allows a database of the Drillhole Manager be appended or modified after the project is created.
- Lets you use an existing solid in the Intrusion Event.
- Sets the item precision to create a Shell Grid is equal to the accuracy of the item in the hole.
- Improved load time when switching between events in the timeline by removing the event summary information tab.
- Improved save and load time when using CAD points after the first initial load.
- Removes the local failure option until it can be improved.
- Fixes an issue of not creating the timeline.
- Fixes an issue where zero-length intervals are not respected.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
HxGN MinePlan Schedule Optimizer 12.60.1 includes the following updates:
- A warning message is now displayed when transport nodes are needed between cuts and their corresponding destinations to get the correct cycle times.
- Fixes an issue when saving.
- Fixes an issue in generating the full report.
- Fixes an issue when loading new target geometry.
- Fixes an issue with objective duplication.
- Fixes an issue with the distribution functionality in advanced mapping.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
HxGN MinePlan Activity Scheduler 5.3.0 includes the following updates:
- Added an option to export “Solids as Polygons”.
- Fixes an issue Truck Leveling when the same priority is given to unused resources.
- Fixes an issue when discrete items are present in the Optimized Layer.
- Fixes an issue in the optimization constraints connection target option.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
HxGN MinePlan Drillhole Manager 6.1.0 includes the following updates:
- Adds support for HxGN MinePlan GeoSlate.
- Adds support for HxGN MinePlan GeoSlate and Geologic 2.0.0.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
HxGN MinePlan Blast 4.7.2 includes the following updates:
- Adds support for Drillhole Manager 6.1.0.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
HxGN MinePlan Sigma 1.4.1 includes the following updates:
- Adds support for Drillhole Manager 6.1.0.
For more details, see the releases page. here.
To the next!!!