The HxGN MinePlan product team and Prominas Mining are pleased to announce the launch of HxGN MinePlan 2023 Release 3, which comes with many improvements and enhancements. Hexagon has worked hard to incorporate your comments and suggestions to ensure this release provides the best possible performance and functionality.
We are confident that these improvements will add value to your experience. We welcome your feedback and comments as we continually strive to improve MinePlan to meet your needs. If you have questions about how to install the software, the Prominas Technical Support team is available to support you.
Thank you for choosing MinePlan. We look forward to continuing to serve you with exceptional products and services.
HxGN MinePlan for Engineering
news on HxGN MinePlan Activity Scheduler v6.7
- Allows editing of reports of the type gauges.
- Improvement in converting projects to a new Data Store, saving the settings of the End of Periods Maps and Periods.
- Improvement when duplicating a project, maintaining the project settings Optimized Layer.
- Enhancement of attributes with Date Time, while sharing projects with different regions.
- Greater stability when importing a Blast project.
- Improved reading of date formats when opening projects.
- Allows starting projects with blank properties in the Backstage.
news on HxGN MinePlan Schedule Optimizer v13.20
- Added option Lock Scheduling Periods, enabling the gradual modification of input data such as phases, benches, cuts or destinations, eliminating the need to restart sequencing.
- Greater efficiency for the user, incorporating a validation step into the Process Flow and not Material Mapping, which optimizes the calculation of cycle times.
- Improved import of multiple stockpiles from CSV files.
HxGN MinePlan for Geosciences
news on HxGN MinePlan Sigma v2.0
- Enables clearer visualization of the variogram against grade trends in 3D to support a domain model, adding the ability to display variogram ellipses and color map in the 3D Viewer.
- Enables clearer visualization of the variogram against grade trends in 3D to support a domain model, adding the ability to display variogram ellipsoids and axes in 3D viewer.
- Performance improvement, allowing the calculation and analysis of variograms for various lag distances simultaneously, by adding “Multi Lag Distance” as the new default variogram setting, which calculates the variogram in multiples lag distances simultaneously.
- Increased performance when loading graphics.
- Improved performance when creating and updating graphs with Torque data.
- The limitation on the number of data when generating variograms has been eliminated.
- Increased performance when creating variograms.
- Improved performance when selecting holes in large databases.
- Updated font configuration for graph axes.
- Improvement in the creation of variograms, from correlograms in variogram maps.
news on HxGN MinePlan Drillhole Manager v7.1.2
- Improvement in the use of filters on attributes of the type string or enumeration.
- Improved visualization of Drillhole Views with Calculated Fields that reference Calculated Global Variables.
To find out more about this and other news from MinePlan Get in touch with our team and we’ll be happy to talk!
To the next!