Rua Paraíba, 1465 / 11th Floor. Savassi. Belo Horizonte

hexagon mineplan®

Mineplan: #1 software in mining

O MinePlan® (formerly known as MineSight) is a 3D mining software that offers advanced and integrated tools for optimizing mining projects and processes at all stages, whether in a mine underground or surface (open pit), and various types of mineralization, counting on a know-how of more than 40 years.

Used by the largest mines in the world, it transforms complex processes into simple, efficient and optimized solutions, ensuring precision and efficiency in geology, engineering, topography and mine operation projects.

THE prominas is representative EXCLUSIVE of Hexagon MinePlan® in Brazil.

Store, manage and analyze drillhole data, geological interpretations and accurate block models.
Create short- to long-term executive calendars by determining the most productive cutting sequence in the mine.
Solution specifically designed to meet the needs of quarries and small-scale mining operations, facilitating mining planning and management in an efficient and integrated manner.


HxGN MinePlan 3D is the fundamental software for visualization, design, modeling and reserve calculation, used in thousands of mines around the world for over 50 years.

It offers 24/7 support in multiple languages and is a custom graphics solution for mine design, incorporating virtual reality and advanced presentation techniques.

Hexagon MinePlan GeoSlate is a mobile tool for collecting geological drilling data on tablets, automatically synchronizing with MinePlan 3D databases via Wi-Fi.

It offers an intuitive interface and pre-configured templates, allowing offline data capture and real-time validation to ensure quality and consistency.

Synchronization facilitates instant data publishing, streamlining geological workflows and ensuring immediate access to up-to-date data.


Hexagon MinePlan Drillhole Manager is a centralized tool for securely manage drilling, sampling and other data with integrated capabilities for processing and QAQC.

It dynamically integrates with other MinePlan tools for 3D visualization, modeling and statistics.

The system offers unlimited database storage SQL, direct import of information and tools for analysis and validation of geological data.

Hexagon MinePlan GeoLogic uses implicit modeling to create accurate, repeatable, and auditable geological models that can be rapidly updated.

Fully integrated into the MinePlan suite, it offers intuitive and intelligent workflows to save geologists time.

Additionally, it supports complex geology data, manages scenarios and enables dynamic 3D visualization.

Hexagon MinePlan Basis Modeling provides tools for creating, managing, and analyzing 3D, stratigraphic, and gridded surface models.

Includes customizable features such as QuickCalc and Python scripts for advanced calculations and workflow automation.

In addition, it supports viewing and consulting 3D models, providing flexibility and efficiency in mining planning.


Hexagon MinePlan Basis Geostats provides advanced tools for interpolating and simulating values from geological models, including Kriging methods and uniform conditioning.

It allows the interpolation of surfaces, stratigraphic models and 3D blocks, as well as integrating with the MinePlan Sigma for variogram parameters.

With features like Dynamic Unfolding Tool for double deposits and the Relative Surface Interpolator, the tool provides advanced customization and detailed visualization.

Hexagon MinePlan Sigma offers a complete suite of statistical and geostatistical tools for analysis and evaluation of survey data, blasthole and model data.

It is fully integrated with MinePlan Drillhole Manager and MinePlan 3D, allowing the creation of sophisticated and customized reports, graphs and maps.

Sigma supports univariate and bivariate analysis, 3D block models, and advanced geostatistical methods, making it easy to build block models and visualize data.

The Hexagon MinePlan Project Evaluator (MPPE) is a tool for strategic planning of open pit mines, which uses algorithms Lerch-Grossmann and pseudoflow to determine the optimum pit limits.

It allows price sensitivity analysis, costs and definition of the economic model, Besides create scenarios and optimize the project's net present value (NPV).

Includes features for organizing and auditing projects, robust reporting, and integration with the MinePlan 3D viewer for detailed analysis.

The Hexagon MinePlan Stope Optimizer is a strategic tool for underground mine planning that automates the design of mine forms stope.

He maximizes the value of the ore body by providing the optimal design based on parameters and constraints, and is integrated into MinePlan 3D.

Supports forms of stope irregular and complex, working with both sub-blocked and non-sub-blocked models and offers detailed constraint and optimization options.

Hexagon MinePlan Reserves is an advanced tool for resource estimation and reserve reporting, allowing quick creation of graphs and reports with flexible options for any type of deposit.

Provides robust estimates from 3D models and stratigraphic models, and enables detailed reporting with calculated and customizable fields.

The tool integrates with third-party planning products and applications, facilitating the creation and reuse of report templates.

MinePlan 3D's Pit Expansion tool generates complete pit contours and designs structures automatically, making design easier for both beginners and advanced users.

This allows you to quickly create and evaluate multiple designs during the planning stages, helping you choose the best option for construction.

Hexagon MinePlan Schedule Optimizer is the leader in scheduling and strategic optimization, allowing you to create optimal planning scenarios based on site-specific objectives.

He greferences transport networks, dynamically updates profiles and defines savings and costs to build detailed cash flows.

With the ability to run multi-period schedules and advanced reporting, maximizes NPV and eliminates production volatility.

The Hexagon MinePlan Planner is a complete solution for manual scheduling and control of ore cuttings, enabling cut design, material routing and reporting.

Includes features for store geometry and reservations, import or draw polygons, and view in 3D, in addition to integrating with FMS systems and monitor the daily progress of the excavators.

It also offers the ability to reconcile models and export in different formats.

Hexagon MinePlan Haulage generates material reporting and routing, route profiles and cycle time files, and manages detailed equipment and material routing requirements.

Integrated with MinePlan Planner, it offers short and long term planning for trucks and excavators.

Its capabilities include planning cycles, 3D road profiles, and detailed estimates of time and equipment requirements, as well as network and results validation.

The Hexagon MinePlan Activity Scheduler is a tactical planning tool based on Gantt and calendar that allows you to create, configure and monitor mining activities.

It enables the resource allocation, transport route adjustment and material mix optimization, in addition to offering automatic reports in different formats.

With integration to MineOperate UG Pro, facilitates direct communication with the dispatch team and reduces duplication of work.

Hexagon MinePlan Blast is a complete tool for planning and executing drilling and blasting, which improves the productivity and efficiency of explosions.

He integrates block model data, quickly creates blast designs, and optimizes safety and energy usage.

Also offers real-time reporting, measuring performance and ensuring greater transparency between design and consumable reconciliation.

The Hexagon MinePlan Axis is a tool for optimizing and auditing quality control processes in mining.

It updates the production block model using information from blasthole, sorting blocks by material and grade, and includes integrated workflows for quality control and reconciliation.

The solution offers benefits such as greater accuracy in quality control decisions, block optimization and integration with other mine planning and management systems.

William Werner
New Gold Inc.
Drilling & Blasting Engineer

“Everything is easier in HxGN MinePlan Blast. There's no doubt that you've built the best design tool in our industry. …we have achieved cost savings of 12% since October 2015 when the HxGN MinePlan Blast implementation was completed”

Alfredo Silva
Anglo American
Short Term Planning Engineer

“The Atlas solution is a tool that has consistently helped us with short-term planning. We use the tool in all our activities, whether in mining sequencing or in the sequencing of infrastructure activities. The tool helps us quickly carry out scenarios and identify conflicts of activities that could result in non-compliance with the plan.”

Rafael Grossi
Mining Coordinator

“MPSO is a mining sequencing module that generates excellent results, uses an integrated mine planning system, contains well-defined mining objectives, practical and didactic interface, agility in reading the algorithms, sequence of animations, in addition to having reports automation of the main production variables. It can be applied at all stages of mine planning, from the very short term to the “Life of Mine” of an enterprise. Essential tool for fast and safe results”

Paul Tan
Great Panther Mining
Technical and Resource Manager

“…All data relevant to a project, such as topography files, block models, pit design, polygon release/realization, geology wireframes, are kept within a logical project structure on our network for easy access and review. Drillhole and grid control data is stored within the MinePlan Torque (SQL) database, which is fully integrated with the routines built into MinePlan, which generates hole composites…”


THE PROMINAS, as the exclusive Hexagon MinePlan® representative in Brazil, works together with the companies of the Hexagon Mining Group, providing a complete flow of data across all mining operations.

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