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Drill holes: How to quickly plan trajectories

Drill holes: How to quickly plan trajectories

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Did you know that it is possible to quickly generate drilling holes using directional and geological parameters in MinePlan 3D? In this article, we will explore how the tool Drillhole Design Tool he can facilitate planning of drill hole trajectories, optimizing processes and results.

What is the Drillhole Design Tool?

THE Drillhole Design Tool, located in the menu Geo Tools of MinePlan 3D, is a powerful tool that allows you to plan the trajectory of a drilling hole using previously established polylines. You can enter data directly into xViewer or by defining coordinates, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Drillhole Design Tool Configuration Modes

When opening the Drillhole Design Tool, you must define a name for the hole and choose one of the available configuration modes:

  • Use existing polylines: allows you to select polylines already drawn in the xViewer. The option "reverse string” reverses the direction of the hole (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Selection of polylines directly in the xViewer.

  • Direct design: allows you to position the mouth of the hole by clicking on the xViewer ( Figure 2) or typing the coordinates. Next, define the direction and dip of the hole. The parameters section allows simulating geological conditions, in order to divert the hole towards the structures of interest.

Figure 2: Definition of the mouth of the hole from a click on the xViewer (yellow square).

  • constrained design: allows you to plan a hole by defining its origin (Collar) and a target (target). The two positions can be defined by clicking on the xViewer or typing the coordinates. This option also allows deviation by geological parameters and even supports the definition of a tolerance radius (Figure 3) in the search for a target.

Figure 3: Defining a hole using the constrained design.

Viewing and Saving Holes

As is customary in MinePlan, you can preview the result before running the command. This allows you to make adjustments and ensure that the planning meets expectations. Finally, you can save the hole as a geometric object in MP3D or in a database of MPTorque, facilitating data integration and management.

Advantages of the Drillhole Design Tool

The Drillhole Design Tool offers several advantages, including:

  • Efficiency: Fast and accurate planning of hole trajectories.
  • Flexibility: Various configuration modes to meet different needs.
  • Integration: Compatibility with other MinePlan tools, such as xViewer and the MPTorque.

If you liked this tip and want to know more about Drillhole Design Tool and other features of the MinePlan, contact our team. We are available to help you maximize the benefits of our solutions.

To the next!

Team Prominas Mining

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