Rua Paraíba, 1465 / 11th Floor. Savassi. Belo Horizonte

D&T - QAQC - Quality Control and Assurance

D&T - QAQC - Quality Control and Assurance

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Hexagon Mining has just released MineSight QAQC, a flexible and easy-to-use product for validation and determination of precision and accuracy in field samples. These field samples are arguably the most important parts of a mine assessment and design process. information from assay Incorrect errors mean failures in mine plans and potentially large financial losses.

MineSight is a comprehensive mine planning platform that is used for mine modelling, design and sequencing.

MineSight QAQC provides critical graphing and analysis functionality for analytical samples, standards, blanks and duplicates returning from the chemical analysis lab.

The tool has full integration with MineSight Torque, which is Hexagon Mining's hole/sample manager. In QAQC, there are components for statistical analysis of laboratory grade data, control of user-configured shipment information, and integration into MSTorque to migrate samples after they have been validated. Installed in a secure database environment, QAQC provides a unified set of tools for managing grade samples across the data lifecycle.

The proverb "you reap what you sow” is true in mining. As explained by product planning manager Alyson Cartwright, “a geological model, mine operation, and mine sequencing are only as good as the data that feeds them. That's what the QAQC is about!”, For more details on the MineSight QAQC description and how it works, watch Alyson on HxGN TV: //

Be sure to analyze and validate your data, after all, according to World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee, “Data is precious and will outlast the systems themselves.”

For more information and details, contact our team through

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