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D&T Prominas | Dump/Spoil to Target

D&T Prominas | Dump/Spoil to Target

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Dump/Spoil to Target: Efficiency and practicality to generate stacks with desired volume and angle of inclination.

Did you know that the MinePlan Do you have a tool for automatically creating stack geometries?

With the tool "Dump/Spoil to Target”, located in the menu “OP Eng Tools”, you can conveniently create stack geometries using a starting polygon that represents the bottom or top of the stack.

After selecting the polygon in the tool, the user must specify the desired volume for the geometry (target volume) and the face angle (slope angle). In the option “% tolerance” a percentage must be inserted, which corresponds to the variation that the tool can apply to the inserted volume to obtain the final geometry.

With the option “Clip to Surface”, the user can select a topography so that the base of the final stack geometry will be cut by it. In the tab "Method” is determined by which type of process the tool will generate the geometries, Elevation or Expansion.

Figure 1: Dump/Spoil to Target.

Through the option "Snap Crest to Nearest Elevation”, the crest elevation will be based on the elevation origin (elevation origin) plus the step distance (Step Distance) which gets the volume closest to the target volume. For this, the base polygon can be expanded or contracted avoiding the creation of a fractional crest elevation. This option is enabled when both available methods are enabled.

Wassup, did you like this tip? For more information about the tool “Dump/Spoil to Target”, in addition to other functionalities and tools of the MinePlan, contact our team and we will be happy to serve you.

To the next!!!

Team Prominas Mining

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