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D&T Promines | Autoslicer using Reserves

D&T Promines | Autoslicer using Reserves

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Autoslicer using Reserves: Possibility of generating cuts with a defined mass.

Did you know that it is possible to generate cuts in a simple and quick way considering a certain mass?

O auto slicer (menu Utilities) is a tool that allows you to cut solids or polygons based on different parameters, defining a cutting direction and being able to automatically assign names to each one of them.

Among the options for making the cuts, on the tab target there is the option reservations that allows the user to insert a mass (in tons) in which the cuts will be made.

For this option it is necessary, at the bottom of the tool, to select a reserve logic, so that the defined mass of the cuts is calculated according to the density of the block model. 

Figure 1: auto slicer using the option reservations.

In this way, the auto slicer is an important tool for quickly generating cuts that meet tonnage requirements for certain periods of a sequencing, for example.

So, did you like this tip? For more information about the auto slicer and other functions of MinePlan contact our team and we will be happy to serve you.

To the next!!!

Team Prominas Mining

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