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D&T – Optimize your MineSight project with Link Object Link Folder

D&T – Optimize your MineSight project with Link Object Link Folder

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The Link Object and Link Folder tools are excellent options when it is necessary to use files located in different folders within the same project or in other existing MineSight projects, for purposes of comparison, use, organization and agility in the work.

With these options you can create visualizations associated with the original files, working with a “link” file with a size of only 1Kb, without the need to create copies that would considerably increase the size of your project. As in the following example where the toposurface file has a size of 106MB, and its visualization object connected to it 1Kb.

For the same object you can create several Links and in different folders of the same project or different projects. Just right click on the folder you want to save the link by selecting the option New à Link Folder and then the object to be connected.

This allows a significant reduction in the size of the project and performance gain, and in cases of intersection of surfaces, volume calculations, generation of partials, creation of contour lines, among other options, it is possible to select the object directly through the MineSight viewer by the object. linked.

To perform the tasks mentioned above, with the need to create 10 copies of the topographic surface to improve the organization of the project and obtain more agility during the work, with the use of Link a reduction of approximately 1.1Gb in the total size of the project is achieved. .

With Link Folder, you can create visualizations of all objects contained within the selected folder, for that, just right-click on the folder that you want to allocate the Links to and select the option New à Link Folder, then select the folder that contains the objects.

For more information about Link Object and Link Folder, contact that we will be delighted to serve you.

To the next!!!

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