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Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Multi-period sequencing in MSSO

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Multi-period sequencing in MSSO

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The long-awaited multi-period schedule is now available in version 8.0 of MineSight Schedule Optimizer. The multi-period option gives the user the possibility of a global optimization with full-period window and sub-period windows, for example, it is possible to group the first five periods together and then follow every two periods. This grouping through windows of one or more periods allows you to run an optimized schedule on this group, so the result of the first periods will always be optimized so that you always get the expected result in the last periods of that window.

With this option you can easily configure your MSSO for a schedule through single period windows, fixed period windows or variable period windows and your result can be optimized so that you always find the results in later periods.

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