Process Point: Optimized sequencing even more detailed in MPSO.
At the Tips & Tricks today we will bring a novelty that will leave the MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO) even better: the Process Point. A new destination type that allows you to customize changes in grade, qualities and quantities as the material passes through a specific location in the process flow. With it, it is possible to elaborate a sequencing taking into account all the details of your mine, thus making it part of the optimization process in the MPSO.
Functioning as an entry and exit point for material, the Process Point allows, through simple calculations made in the language Python, that the material is transformed in relation to parameters such as mass, content, recovery and sent to another destination that meets a certain specification. Therefore, it is possible to enter the Process Point representing processing plants to obtain the result of the product and control the volume destined for tailings dams, material separation points or for chemical changes that occur over time in stockpiles, for example. By allowing customization, the Process Point provides full correspondence to your mine's material processing for sequencing. Within the project in MPSO, O Process Point can be added in the Process Flow, as is done with the other destinations.
Added to the flow and clicking on its icon, it is possible to access its properties and set in Calculation what will be the change made to the material when going through the Process Point. Calculations can be easily created using the templates existing or using tokens representing the different variables of the project.
From there, all restrictions related to destinations can also be configured on the Process Point, thus creating limits for mass, volume, materials from retakes, grades, types of materials, ratios, among other site-specific restrictions.
Finally, after performing the optimized sequencing of your project, the dynamic reports of the MPSO will bring all the information regarding the entry and exit of materials in the Process Point in each of the periods.
So, did you like the news? For more information about the Process Point, contact our team and we will be happy to serve you.
To the next!!!
Team Prominas Mining