Prominas Mining is full of NEWS! We recently brought you three Hexagon Mining launches that came to revolutionize modern mining. Check out a small release of each of these new tools offered by Prominas Mining throughout the national territory: HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator (MPPE): Designed for the needs of pit optimization and strategic sequencing, providing the configuration of multiple, auditable scenarios, a easy-to-access communication and the ability to generate comprehensive reports that provide an overview of the entire project. It facilitates decision making by presenting pit-to-pit graphs. HxGN MineOperate Foundation: Simplifies daily tasks, giving end users subsidies to really have the operation in their hands through data acquisition and access through tablets and smartphones. It brings a wide range of features for taking and managing data,…
HXGN MINEPLAN PROJECT EVALUATOR NEWS IN STRATEGIC PLANNING The Prominas Mining team introduces the HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator (MPPE), Hexagon Mining's new MinePlan software solution for strategic planning with pit optimization and strategic mine life sequencing. MPPE allows mine planners to use the most robust methodologies on the market to generate optimized pits, in addition to being composed of new features that allow strategic sequencing and analysis of different scenarios, which helps optimal decision-making. . With robust case management tools, the HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator features full exportable reports, pit-to-pit graphs, and direct integration with the HxGN MinePlan 3D viewer. Undoubtedly, MPPE opens a new era for strategic mine planning!…