HxGN MinePlan

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HXGN MINEPLAN PROJECT EVALUATOR NEWS IN STRATEGIC PLANNING The Prominas Mining team introduces the HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator (MPPE), Hexagon Mining's new MinePlan software solution for strategic planning with pit optimization and strategic mine life sequencing. MPPE allows mine planners to use the most robust methodologies on the market to generate optimized pits, in addition to being composed of new features that allow strategic sequencing and analysis of different scenarios, which helps optimal decision-making. . With robust case management tools, the HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator features full exportable reports, pit-to-pit graphs, and direct integration with the HxGN MinePlan 3D viewer. Undoubtedly, MPPE opens a new era for strategic mine planning!…

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MineSight is now MinePlan®

New Hexagon portfolio facilitates mining processes Hexagon, a global leader in digital solutions, has reorganized its portfolio of products aimed at the mining division, with the changes, MineSight, from Mintec Inc, became MinePlan®. The company's new era is designed to simplify the way its customers evaluate solutions across the entire mine lifecycle, so its new portfolio consolidates multiple products into optimized solution packages and introduces a new concentration of nomenclature. The goal was to enhance the experience to include the introduction of subscription licensing, improved user interfaces, and strengthened support and services. Mining division president Josh Weiss says customers don't need to worry about how the company's extensive portfolio can benefit their mining operation. “By optimizing our…


HxGN MinePlan 2019 Release 2

We at PROMINAS are excited about the new HxGN MinePlan® updates. The release brings performance improvements, as well as new features and functionality that will make deliveries even more agile and assertive. In the video below, Jose Sanchez from Hexagon Mining highlights the main new features of the MinePlan 3D, MinePlan Schedule Optimizer, Geologic and MinePlan Drillhole Manager packages. . Check out ALL the updates in the video below. . . To learn more about MinePlan, contact us! Email: prominas@prominas.net