MineSight Planner (MSPlanner) is one of MineSight's latest powerful new tools, designed for interactively generating short-term mine plans with dynamic reports. Most of its functionality stems directly from the success of MineSight Interactive Planner (MSIP), but it is also distinguished by many other features. A simple and intuitive interface along with additional planning features that will allow you to generate, execute and evaluate mine plans with ease and greater efficiency. Among the benefits of MSPlanner, the following stand out: Generate reservation reports in real time with the integration of MineSight Reserve block models, enabling the realization of reconciliations in the tool. Assign transport fleets and…
This Tips & Tricks provides helpful suggestions on how to refine interpolation parameters and improve the accuracy of your 3D block model (3DBM). The Pintrpq.dat procedure in MineSight Compass uses MineSight Torque drillthrough data to interpolate values in the block model. Several different interpolation methods can be performed with this procedure: kriging techniques, including ordinary kriging and indicatrix kriging, the gradient technique, among others. You can create multiple block models or multiple model items for any parameter in order to compare and verify the results of different interpolations. Limiting the tween area The ability to limit the area of your tween implies that the pintrpq.dat procedure will run faster, making your operations more time efficient. If you have a particular model…
MineSight has an excellent tool for the design of operational pits, mine plans, piles, among others. In today's Tips & Tricks, we'll cover the latest features built into the MineSight Pit Expansion Tool. From version 9.50 of MineSight 3D, in Pit Expansion it is possible to generate the reserve report in real time, export surfaces, pit solids or feeds, bench midlines, ramp center lines for geometric objects and also save the drawing history, and use it after restarting the tool. Reservations With this new option, it is possible to generate reservation reports in real time for each bench created, for which the user must only indicate a MineSight Reserve reservation logic file and choose the desired option. The calculation of reservations will be carried out after each…
One of the advantages of MineSight, which contains fully integrated tools, is being able to optimize it more and more to make your day-to-day tasks easier! Now, starting with version 8.90, MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) has a new item integrated with MineSight 3D in its menu: the Digline tab. Thus, you can add areas for level cut groups and diglines to predefined areas, relocate diglines to alternate areas, change their sequence, and easily locate Groups, Diglines and Direction directly in MSSO by interacting on the MineSight 3D canvas. These new options in the MSSO allow for greater agility and flexibility in adjusting your sequencing. Mining direction is a key configuration for a good sequencing result and for that, the user can intuitively add, edit, remove, locate and delete groups and diglines always integrated into MineSight 3D. In addition to the previous options, you can view Mining Area, Phase, Level, Name, Digline, Direction and Partition from…
In this edition of Tips & Tricks we'll show you how easy it is to insert vertical sections interpreted and done the traditional way (pen and paper) into MineSight to guide your geological modeling. So, get to work! First, let's take as an example a vertical section not orthogonal to the N/S and E/W axes. The example will be performed in the section highlighted in red in the image below. For this example, MineSight Plot is used to first print the section with the holes and descriptions, topography and the grid of axes for later georeferencing. So the section is interpreted by hand, and then the steps below are followed. Note that you need to have in the handmade section, the grid of Z axes and North or East, depending on which reader chooses to work. In this case we have both axes, but it was chosen…
MSEP Charting (MSEPc) is a powerful tool for analyzing data generated with MSOPIT (Design Pit) and MSVALP (Reserves and Schedules). MSEPc plots a wide variety of 2D and 3D tables and graphs from SUM, SCH, and RES files. The graphics already have standard settings, which facilitates their creation, and can also be customized to suit the needs of each project. MSEPc is accessible from the MineSight menu under MSEP > Charting. In addition to the importance of generating graphs with different parameters, it is also important that the user has an integrated tool capable of joining results from several files, facilitating the interpretation and analysis of the data, thus understanding the behavior of the project. The graph below is an example of the economic effects of changing the type of sequencing adopted. THE…
MinePlan presents a new tool from the MinePlan Grade Control Geo suite, within the HxGN MinePlan Axis product: the Digblock Optimizer (DBO)! Quality control (Grade Control) is essential to guarantee success in the short term, detailing materials and their respective destinations to achieve the production target. Bad Grade Control practices result in improper or inadequate optimization of your cut design. Which causes a lot of dilution or even erroneous classification as to which destination will proceed. The MPAxis-DBO generates economically optimized cuts for your mine's quality control. In several open pit mine operations, we use fire plan and mining front release polygons as a starting point for quality control. We manipulate these generated cuts to meet specific needs based on economic factors, geometry of the…
Hexagon Mining brings precision and reliability to one of the most challenging stages of mining using its new drill and blast manager, HxM Blast. In a single interface it unites the design of drilling plans, inclusion of blasting parameters for the holes and moorings to the fire plan. In this way HxM Blast brings much more control over the design, management and reporting of drill plans. HxM Blast can work with existing fire plane polygons in MineSight or digitize a new one within the tool. For this you can count on extremely easy options, Template assignments and pre-defined functions for the design, naming your holes and defining dimension values for the mouth of the holes, for example. The configuration of spacing and spacing of the holes is completely dynamic, to facilitate…
In open-pit mines located in regions with high rainfall, the drainage system is crucial to the efficiency of mining operations. Driving effluents out of the pit requires tilting the mining benches in order to direct the water to previously studied collection points. This article explores how mining bank inclination and appropriate methodology can facilitate mining planning and sequencing in open pit mines. Importance of Drainage System in Open Cast Mines In areas with high rainfall, efficient drainage is vital. Accumulated water can compromise the safety and efficiency of mining operations. Therefore, tilting the mining benches to guide water to specific collection points is essential. However, designing inclined mining plans for extensive mines…
Field samples are, without a doubt, the most important part of evaluating and planning a mine. Incorrect information will result in failed resources and mining plans. The reliability of your data is fundamental. MinePlan Torque will offer the QA/QC module, a built-in, flexible and easy-to-use quality assurance and control tool designed to validate and determine the precision and accuracy of laboratory samples. To do this, it provides graphical and analysis functionalities for analytical samples, standards, blanks and duplicates. Project Setup and Data Management The QA/QC backstage allows you to create, edit, import attributes, laboratories, analytical methods, measurement methods, blank samples and standards, as shown in Figure 1. Once the project setup is complete , the user can manage all data with guarantee and control…