
Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Query – Selecting items for visualization.

In our day-to-day working with the block model, we need to interrogate it (Query) to obtain information. However, when we use a model with a large number of variables, we often have to scroll until we find the variable of interest. To reduce the number of items to be visualized there is the option Query/View/Items… This way you can leave marked only the items you want to visualize and thus maximize the efficiency of the work.

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Convert Transient To Actual Tool.

The “Convert Transient To Actual” tool allows the MineSight user to store the lines visualized in 2D from a surface in a geometric object. Access to this tool is through the “Element” option. To get the lines visualized in a section, just define the desired 2D section, select the “Convert Transient To Actual” tool and click on the region of interest. The polyline is automatically generated and stored in the geometric object being edited.

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Multi-period sequencing in MSSO

The long-awaited multi-period scheduling is now available in version 8.0 of MineSight Schedule Optimizer. The multi-period option provides the user with the possibility of a global optimization with full-period window and sub-period windows, for example, it is possible to group the first five periods together and then follow every two periods. This grouping through windows of one or more periods, allows you to execute an optimized schedule on this group, so the result of the first periods will always be optimized so that you always get the expected result in the last periods of that window. With this option you can easily configure your MSSO for a schedule through single period windows, fixed period windows or variable period windows and your result can be optimized so that you always find…

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Utilities in MS3D – Viewer.

Today, we're going to talk a little about viewing options in the File/Project Settings/Viewer Options menu: Have you ever come across elements in the same color as the background in MS3D – Viewer?! Would you like to ensure the contrast between the background color and the color of all elements created in your project? MineSight has the ideal tool for that. Just enable the Remap element colors when same as viewer background function. Thus, you will always be able to visualize all the elements with peace of mind in MS3D. Do you excel in the visual quality of your Labels? If the project is very large, it's worth saving memory in previewing them! Among the Text rendering options you can select the quality, and of course, the memory usage with labels in your project. And best of all, you can worry about printing. MineSight ensures that…

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Geological Modeling, meet MineSight Implicit Modeler

Who hasn't spent hours doing geological modeling and having to readjust each step that received new data? MineSight Implicit Modeler (MSIM) is MineSight's time-saving tool. With MSIM it is possible to perform a mathematical modeling based on radial functions from the holes, mapping and/or pre-existing sections and have as an output file a solid that includes the samples or grades that you previously specified. Initially, when one thinks about mathematical modeling, one thinks of closed models without user intervention. In MSIM it is possible, in addition to specifying which samples you want to enter the generated solid, specify geometries such as sections (polygon, lines and auxiliary points) to improve the coherence of the result in relation to the genesis of the modeled deposit. Also, MSIM generates the symmetry proportions of the data by searching…

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: PopUp menu Definition – User-customized Convenience and Agility!

How about creating shortcuts for easy access to the infinite resources of MS3D? What's more, you choose and organize the functions you use the most! With that in mind, MineSight is prepared to suit your work routine. Just access the Popup menu definition located in the Viewer menu and speed up your projects. It is possible to select, order and create groups of the main functions that you access frequently, in addition to viewing the last used commands. Enter the functions in the order you want, define specific groups using the separator bar, create new columns and choose the number of recent commands you want to view. By the hotkey “M”, the user turns the PopUp menu on and off. Once configured, everything is just a click away from the right mouse button. Customize your shortcuts and gain productivity!

Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: Quick Model Stats, model analysis that really is fast.

How many times have you not come across a block model and only needed to check what the maximum of a variable is? Or even knowing how many missing blocks there are in a variable (eg lithology) ? For this quick analysis, the Quick Model Stats was launched. In this it is possible to do from a simple statistical analysis, to a resource parameterization chart. In this edition of D&T we will show you how to do a simple minimum and maximum analysis of the model variables. To do this, go to the MS3D menu called MODEL > QUICK MODEL STATS The initial screen is very intuitive and simple, so just select your PCF and then the model you want the information for. Once the selected model is selected, you will have the variables you want to analyze, so mark the desired ones and then click on the SHOW…

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: What is MSAtlas?

Are you already taking advantage of MSAtlas in your planning? MSAtlas is an innovative new tool that combines activity-based scheduling, resource assignment, Gantt chart creation, and custom reports. It is easy to use and seamlessly integrates with MSReserve, MineSight 3D (MS3D), MSHaulage and MineSight Planning Database (MSPD). It is effective in open pit and underground mining. Controls dependencies between activities automatically for each type of operation. MSAtlas enables the design of mine cuts considering the block model and being able to map the material route to a number of destinations, including recovery and the ability to simulate process functions. MSAtlas allows: · Programming by activities (practical and realistic by type); · Gantt Scheduling (uses calendar dates, times and duration of activities); · Resource allocation (considers…

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Export 3D PDF

New export functionality released in MineSight. It is now possible to export MineSight objects to 3D PDF. Just copy everything you want to a geometric object and right-click and choose the export 3D PDF option. To view each geometry as a different layer in the 3D PDF, just assign different materials to each geometry. To view the PDF of the image, just access the Documents bar below. Note: For viewing it is necessary to have ADOBE installed.

Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MSSO – Mineral Content.

The MineSight software development pace continues to accelerate, especially when it comes to the MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) tool, which has recently gained new features, becoming even more powerful. Along with improvements in scheduling calculations, MSSO now has even more options for controlling and restricting your sequencing. One of the latest great innovations is the possibility of direct control of the product or mineral concentrate in the MSSO itself. So you can directly control the mass and contents needed for the process, and at the same time, have the product result or control of any other material in the production goals. This control is performed directly through the “Mineral Content” panel, where you have the option to control the upper and lower limits for each destination, phases, periods and other available filters. The calculation of “Mineral Content” is performed according to the equation: Mineral Content = Tonnage *…