

16 Jan: D&T Prominas | MinePlan Torque

MinePlan Torque | Extended Capability: Improved MPTorque performance and added new features in MinePlan 2022 Release 4. Did you know that the new version of MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, has improved MPTorque performance as well as added new features? MinePlan users have stored sample and geological borehole data in the integrated database manager, MinePlan Torque, for years. New enhancements in MinePlan 2022 Release 4 increase the flexibility of the system, making it possible to store even larger databases in a custom way, which allows users to work with their data more efficiently. MPTorque has always supported an unlimited number of tables and attributes, but in the new version, the attributes of each table can be customized in a unique and independent way, allowing the storage of data from…

12 Jan: D&T Promines | MinePlan Schedule Optimizer

MinePlan Schedule Optimizer | Assigning Excavators by Diglines: Added new features to MinePlan Schedule Optimizer in MinePlan 2022 Release 4. Did you know that the new release of MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, introduces new features to MinePlan Schedule Optimizer that make viewing and validation easier of mining plans? The MPSO consists of a unique and scalable solution for preparing mine plans. MinePlan users are executing optimized plans for the viability and useful life of their mines, or even production plans on an even shorter horizon. Hexagon continues to add functionality that puts greater operational control in the hands of users and allows them to clearly convey operational plans from the results produced by the MPSO. Excavators can now be assigned to a cut group…

Activity Scheduler 1

09 Jan: D&T Promines | Activity Scheduler | performance improvement

Activity Scheduler | Performance Improvement: Improved Activity Scheduler performance in MinePlan 2022 Release 4. Did you know that the new version of MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, has improved Activity Scheduler performance through a change in data storage? The latest update to MinePlan, MinePlan 2022 Release 4, includes a change to the way data is stored in Activity Scheduler and Planner. This change will allow users to more efficiently access and store data, which in turn will lead to performance improvements for loading and editing project data. Hexagon has seen how the Activity Scheduler (MPAS) is applied in many areas and commodities, where each mine has numerous challenges and unique characteristics. The sequencing solutions developed in MPAS evolve as MinePlan users understand…

06 Jan: Promine Tips & Tricks | Cyclone 3DR – Axis Registration

Cyclone 3DR – Axis Registration: Registration of the axes in the laser/drone point cloud survey. Did you know that it is possible to register the axes of a point cloud survey in the project axes? When working with different point cloud surveys, it is necessary to correctly register the project axes of this survey, requiring pairs of 3 notable points, 3 points for the acquired point cloud and 3 points in real project coordinates. In this way, Cyclone 3DR can help in this step, through the use of the Axis Registration tool, located in the menu Coord Sys > Axis Registration. To activate the tool, just select the cloud of points and the notable points in CAD to be registered, make the path layer visible in real coordinates and go to the Axis Registration option. More…

CheckCondition_ 2

02 Jan: D&T Promines | Check/Condition Surfaces Tool

Check/Condition Surfaces Tool: Possibility to check and correct multiple solids and surfaces at the same time. Did you know that it is possible to check and correct the conditions of several surfaces or solids in your MinePlan Project at the same time? When working with a surface or a solid in MinePlan, this element may present some inconsistencies, such as containing openings, duplicated elements, or even intersecting itself. The Check/Condition Surfaces Tool is accessed from the Surface menu and allows you to check the quality of multiple solids or surfaces at the same time. This tool has several options available that allow you to report and fix any problems that the functions reveal. It is not necessary to select surfaces/solids to use this tool, and elements can be selected directly from the Viewer or through the Object Content Browser (OCB). Verification parameters can be…


21 Dec: D&T Promines | Autoslicer using Reserves

Autoslicer using Reserves: Possibility of generating cuts with a defined mass. Did you know that it is possible to generate cuts in a simple and quick way considering a certain mass? Autoslicer (Utilities menu) is a tool that allows you to cut solids or polygons based on different parameters, also defining a cutting direction and being able to automatically assign names to each one of them. Among the options for making the cuts, on the Target tab there is the Reserves option that allows the user to enter a mass (in tons) in which the cuts will be made. For this option it is necessary, at the bottom of the tool, to select a reserve logic, so that the defined mass of the cuts is calculated according to the density of the block model. Figure 1: Autoslicer using the Reserves option. In this way,…

Multiplos xVewers

14 Dec: D&T Promines | Multiple Viewers

Multiple Viewers: Possibility of working with more than one Viewer. Did you know that it is possible to use more than one viewer in your MinePlan project? The xViewer is your project's data visualization window. In MinePlan it is possible to work with several, making it possible to carry out a more complete analysis of your project. Just as the Data Manager, properties window and Message Window can be moved from their default location, the viewer also has this option, and can be moved and allocated as desired by the user. Along with the xViewers, there is the Visibility Bar window that allows the management of the visibility of geometric objects, independently, between the different xViewers. The Visibility Bar displays all objects that are open in the Data Manager, and these objects are presented according to the visualization settings applied by the user. Figure 1:…


14 Nov: MinePlan Releases: MinePlan 2022 Release 4

We would like to announce that MinePlan 2022 Release 3 is now available on the Hexagon Mining website under the “Client Center” section ( This release contains several improvements and performance improvements. HxGN MinePlan 3D 16.0.5 includes the following improvements: Allows editing of the Drillholes Barrels option when Process Manager is open. Drillhole View load time optimization when using a Torque database. Note: A new Drillhole View must be created to observe the improvement in load time. Optimization of the response time of projects located on the network. Updated the Quarry license to include the Calculate Volume Tool. Fixes for Point Cloud when there is no information in the Source and Unique Point Count record. Improved functionality when multiple model views are being used. Improved Drillhole Views, which were…


17 Aug: MinePlan Releases: MinePlan 2022 Release 3

We would like to announce that MinePlan 2022 Release 3 is now available on the Hexagon Mining website under the “Client Center” section ( This release contains several improvements and performance improvements. HxGN MinePlan 3D 16.0.4 includes the following improvements: Adds AutoCAD import support for DXF/DWG files up to 2023 format. Adds feature where the 2D plane is highlighted in a 3D view. Improved performance for importing block models using MSDART. Improved performance of block model imports for 3rd party models, Vulcan and Datamine. Improved coordinate system manager by adding an option for proj4. Activates the General Gridder tool to plot points in 3D space. Improved import of DXF/DWG files exported through Global Mapper. Improved the Autoslicer tool to use a cut slope along…


23 May: MinePlan Releases: MinePlan 2022 Release 2

We would like to announce that MinePlan 2022 Release 2 is now available on the Hexagon Mining website under the “Client Center” section ( This release contains several improvements and performance improvements. HxGN MinePlan 3D 16.0.3 Includes the following improvements: Adds the Reserves option to Autoslicer and Pit Expansion Tool for non-English regions. Adds Reserves Engine 4.3.0 to the Pit Expansion Tool. Adds Reserves Engine 4.3.0 to the Autoslicer Tool. Adds a report to the 3rd Party Model Importer to show the numeric values assigned to alphanumeric items imported from Datamine models. Improves Point Editor functionality while moving a point. Haulage 7.5.1 Improves the tool when creating a Report Grouping. HxGN MinePlan Project Evaluator 1.1 includes the following improvements: Provides an option to limit the Pit Shell Generation task by surface, imported or…