In today's Tips & Tricks, we will present the best tool for determining routes and sizing fleets within mining sequencing. Dynamic Haulage is a MineSight Scheduler Optimizer (MSSO) tool that provides a more accurate solution for defining the route of cuts based on the assumptions and restrictions imposed by the user. Dynamic Haulage guarantees the best and most efficient route to destinations, taking into account previously plowed areas and economic parameters, in this way, the generated routes are in accordance with the shape of the pit, according to the advances already made. The following image shows an MSHaulage route (yellow line) on a pushback that has already been mined and is therefore unavailable. The definition of cycle time is fundamental for fleet sizing, which represents a significant part of CAPEX and OPEX. When performing the definition of routes within the…
In today's Tips & Tricks we are going to talk about how to perform blending using the MineSight Scheduler Optimizer (MSSO), creating restrictions on mass, grade, materials and even creating a restriction between the ratio of grades. All these parameters can be created in MSSO quickly and easily, generating optimal operational sequencing for your mine to maximize your NPV! MSSO generates long-term and short-term sequences that solve optimization and blending problems. These sequencing represent the most productive mining, obtaining results that reach the objectives within mass, geotechnical, equipment, economic restrictions, among others. The project flowchart is customizable, being determined the pit, the waste and stock piles and the plant in the way the user wants. The MSSO will calculate the amount of material moved at its respective…
In today's Tips & Tricks, we are going to introduce you to a very practical tool, the Drillhole Paintbrush Tool. In some cases during geological modeling, after viewing and interpreting the drill holes, a new coding of intervals becomes necessary. As for example in the case of vein modeling, in which the veins are not previously differentiated in the database and from the analysis of the holes, these can be subdivided, the Drillhole Paintbrush Tool will facilitate this process. This tool allows you to interactively modify or add code to an attribute over intervals on the screen using the mouse cursor. This tool is accessed from the Geo Tools intervals menu in MS3D and works in 2D and 3D both in xViewer and in standard Viewer windows. See more about the tool in the video below: Configure the…
Geologists must consider a vast number of factors to better understand stratigraphic deposits. Geophysical, lithological, structural and grade data are some of the factors that must be analyzed and evaluated in order to interpret the stratigraphic layers. The Drillhole Correlation Tool will help geologists meet this challenge. This tool saves work and time by correlating data, offering an integrated workflow for importing drillholes, displaying information from Assay and Geology tables, and uploading the information to the MSTorque database. The tool integrates with MineSight 3D and MineSight Torque for quick setup and selection of drillholes to be mapped. Figure 1 – Integration between Drillhole Correlation Tool and MineSight 3D for 2-D or 3-D visualization Through an interactive and intuitive interface it is possible to…
In today's Tips & Tricks, we are going to introduce a very practical tool, the Drillhole Design Tool. This tool is used to create drillholes with deviations in a simple and accurate way, based on the directional and geological specifications of the project, increasing the accuracy when carrying out the drilling planning. Drillhole Design is accessed from the Geo Tools menu in MS3D. With this tool it is easy to create boreholes with deviations in order to reach the desired geological structures. For this, the drillholes can be designed using one of the three available projection modes: “Constrained design”, “Direct design” and “Use existing polylines”. In “Direct design” mode, drill holes are calculated from parameters such as coordinate, azimuth and dip at the hole mouth. It is also possible to determine the deviation of the hole from the characteristics…
In today's Tips & Tricks, we're going to introduce you to the best tool for planning and organizing rock blasting activities at your mine, HxM Blast. HxM Blast is fully integrated with the block model, providing greater accuracy along with the ability to measure real field data, analyze the results of a blast and store blast settings through conditional templates. In this way, HxM Blast continues to improve the workflow in the blast design and its reconciliation. Built-in options, such as block model access and data export, allow the user to utilize block model information such as rock type, fragmentation, ore classification, and economic evaluation, thus enabling the user to quickly analyze best practices and understand what is contributing to the dismantling to be…
The Link Object and Link Folder tools are excellent options when it is necessary to use files located in different folders within the same project or in other existing MineSight projects, for purposes of comparison, use, organization and agility in the work. With these options you can create visualizations associated with the original files, working with a “link” file with a size of only 1Kb, without the need to create copies that would considerably increase the size of your project. As in the following example where the toposurface file has a size of 106MB, and its visualization object connected to it 1Kb. For the same object you can create several Links and in different folders of the same project or different projects. Just right click on the folder you want to save the link by selecting the New à Link Folder option and then the…
In pursuit of continuous improvements in drilling and blasting activities, Hexagon Mining MineSight increasingly improves its components. In today's Tips & Tricks, we're going to introduce you to the best tool for planning and predicting rock blast fragmentation at your mine, HxM Blast. The quality of an explosives blast depends on a few factors, including: the design of the drilling plan, the amount of explosive used in each hole and the properties of the rock. HxM Blast is able to integrate all this data, generating optimized results in less time. With HxM Blast it is possible to create a standard or defined blast model according to the characteristics of the materials, establishing values for spacing, spacing, diameter and inclination of the holes, in addition it is easy to create exclusive templates to load each type of…
In today's News Prominas, we will introduce the innovative new mine production management tool, MiPlan. Hexagon Mining | MineSight acquired in January/2017 the technology company MiPlan. Based in Perth, Australia, MiPlan develops mobile software applications for field data collection, drilling and blast optimization, fleet and production management and reporting. The company has a proven track record of increasing mine productivity and providing a rapid return on investment. MiPlan has 3 integrated applications, they are: MiD&B, with solutions for drilling and blasting; MiFleet, focused on fleet logistics; MiiNT, for data management and reporting. Figure 1: MiPlan Applications Most systems generate a huge amount of useful data, but without an easy method to quickly integrate and aggregate it, which results…