
04 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Mine Sequencing with Auto-Fill Stacks.

Have you ever thought about carrying out mining sequencing and automatically filling the sterile piles and/or stock? This is entirely possible with the integration of MineSight tools, ensuring accuracy and agility in the results, considering that, currently, most professionals perform this work manually. To perform the sequencing of the deposition piles, the Waste Dump Sequencer (WDS) tool is used, which works directly with geometries, defining the capacity and the best order for filling the pile according to the selected method. The Waste Dump Sequencer has a very simple configuration, where the main configurations are defined in a single panel and the method that will be used for the deposition of materials in the destinations is chosen. All information provided by Waste Dump Sequencer, such as: elevation, subzones, coordinates, capacities (mass and volume) and the filling order of…

03 Jan: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: CAD Design – New Tools, Less Time Spent.

With the new MineSight updates came numerous new features and improvements, whether in performance, interface or features. In this Tips & Tricks we will talk about some of the new tools and functionalities that can facilitate the development of daily activities. These tools were developed in view of the continuous need for software improvement and through requests from MineSight users. Arc Radius and Distance This tool was developed so that the creation of arcs, chamfers and circles is done in an intuitive way, allowing the user to work quickly, efficiently and accurately. A great example of how easy it is to get multiple geometries is that, based on two axes, it is possible to create arcs or line segments just by including or excluding the number of points. In this way the results can be the most varied. Line of Sight The new Line of Sight tool was created…

02 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MSReserve – Optimizing the Cube of Iron Deposits with Granulometric Ranges.

Generally, for iron deposits, block models have a multitude of variables, making them very large and, consequently, slowing down daily work. In most cases they are models that have the contents of the elements analyzed by percentages of granulometric ranges. Thus, in many companies, in the current didactic of estimation/interpolation of the model, the accumulation of variables is carried out to obtain an estimated value consistent with their granulometric proportion, and then the deaccumulation for the calculations of cubage. However, in MineSight's estimation routines, there have long been options that eliminate the need to estimate accumulated variables and later model deaccumulation calculations. Exactly!!! There is no longer the need for accumulated and non-accumulated variables per range for each element in the model, since the estimation is already weighted by the percentage of the granulometric range. But this subject will be addressed…

29 Dec: Simplify the Design of Stacks, Access and Environmental Applications

There are some tools in MP3D that greatly simplify users' work when it comes to designing piles, pits and accesses. In this edition of Dicas & Tricks, we will present four of them: Dump/Spoil to Target, Surface Reslope, Attach Template along Polyline and Pit Expansion. These tools can also be used for environmental applications. An article on this subject can be found here. Dump/Spoil to Target With this tool, present in the OP Eng Tools menu, it is possible to quickly design pile solids, having as input data only a polygon, inclination angle, tolerance, pile volume and topography. The Dump/Spoil to Target tool is interactive with the user and warns them, in the MineSight Message Window, if their goals are not achievable, then suggesting acceptable values for the project. Surface Reslope This tool, also present in the OP Eng Tools menu,…

29 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MSPlanner in your everyday life!

Often, making the mine's production schedule more flexible in the short term is not an easy task! But then, how to meet the demands of materials for processing and the opportunities that the market has in store for us? MineSight Planner is the ideal mine advance management tool to guide this decision making. It allows the user to simulate the blending result of the most diverse types of materials available in the mine, through a previously configured reserve logic, and to define the best moment to mine these advances. When importing the cuts, through the AutoSlicer & Target Material option, it is possible to discretize the mining plans according to specific materials or cut grades, which makes decision-making more dynamic in the defined operational horizon: In an intuitive way, the user is able to of reproducing the flow of mined materials to the…

28 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: The Power of MSEP – Integrated Simultaneous Optimization and Sequencing in the same tool!

The robustness of the MineSight Economic Planner (MSEP) tool is directly linked to the history of Mintec and MineSight. Developed since 1970 and improved over the years, MSEP provides us with great ease, speed and reliability which are the hallmarks of MineSight tools. MSEP is at the top of the MineSight spiral, being a powerful tool that allows the design of economic pits, phases/pushbacks, production simulations, sequencing scenarios, economic evaluations, among others. With a diverse range of options, it can be used for pre-feasibility and economic feasibility studies, as well as in the conceptual study stages of a mining project. At the base of the tool is the MSOPIT, which uses the Lerchs-Grossman or Floating Cones algorithms for economic evaluation of the block model. Allied to the great features of MSEP is the Multi-Run facility, which enables…

27 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Grade Interpolation with Grain Ranges – Faster, easier and simpler with MS!

We know that many times the manipulation of the block model is a little time consuming due to the amount of variables and blocks. In the case of deposits with analysis by granulometric range, this number of variables increases considerably. To estimate the model by range, the technique of accumulating the grade variables by range is used and these values are stored in the samples/composites and block model, requiring the creation of unaccumulated and accumulated variables per element. In this way, the model becomes confusing due to the immensity of variables, in addition to the user having to execute routines for the accumulation and deaccumulation calculations, causing a considerable increase in the process time, as the user must spend time executing such routines and the model due to its physical size (because of so many variables) makes executions slower. Through this tip…

26 Dec: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MineSight – The smartest solution for underground mining!

This week we are going to talk about the big and important news for underground mine projects and how MineSight has managed to integrate numerous tools to facilitate the work and optimize the time of professionals in the area. This will be the first in a series of Tips & Tricks aimed exclusively at Underground tools. In this way, we will talk about how MineSight is the result of the application of experience and knowledge in order to illuminate the tasks of evaluation and engineering of underground mines. Atlas, Stope, Sub-Blocking, Implicit Modeler and a host of new CAD tools are the result of all this effort. MineSight Atlas and MineSight Sub-Blocking open up a new world of modeling and activity-based planning work for underground mines. In conjunction with MineSight Stope, Decline Design and Room and Pillar tools, the demand for productivity is now even more favorable under the surface. “MineSight…

25 Dec: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MineSight Decline Design.

In this week's Tips & Tricks we'll talk a little about Decline Design, a new tool option that facilitates the design of accesses to underground mines. Decline Design is the tool that allows you to easily create accesses and ramps for underground mines, in order to find the shortest distance between two points, respecting slope and radius of curvature. Its configuration panel is quite simple and has the necessary options to create new accesses in just a few clicks. With the arrival of Decline Design, it is no longer necessary to develop the access manually, it is enough to inform the start and end points, letting the tool scale and return with the best result, always respecting the entered premises such as, radius of curvature, inclination of ramp, curved slope and type of access. In addition to all these…

22 Dec: D&T – HxM Blast: Innovation and Integration for Drilling and Blasting

MineSight is bringing precision and reliability to one of the most difficult stages of mining with a new drill and blast management tool. MineSight Blast will revolutionize the design and execution of drilling and blast plans with all the ease of MineSight 3D tools. In a single interface, the user will be able to draw drilling plans, apply blast parameters and connect a fire. According to Mark Gabbitus, MineSight Operational Product Manager, “MineSight Blast will redefine blasting. A bad blast can undo all the good work done by geologists and engineers to build a solid block model and mine plan. Therefore, it is vitally important that the design and execution of the blast minimize errors and interpret the effects when things don't go the way...