
25 Jan: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MSSO – Mineral Content.

The MineSight software development pace continues to accelerate, especially when it comes to the MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) tool, which has recently gained new features, becoming even more powerful. Along with improvements in scheduling calculations, MSSO now has even more options for controlling and restricting your sequencing. One of the latest great innovations is the possibility of direct control of the product or mineral concentrate in the MSSO itself. So you can directly control the mass and contents needed for the process, and at the same time, have the product result or control of any other material in the production goals. This control is performed directly through the “Mineral Content” panel, where you have the option to control the upper and lower limits for each destination, phases, periods and other available filters. The calculation of “Mineral Content” is performed according to the equation: Mineral Content = Tonnage *…

22 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Ring Design Tool – Ease your Underground Mine!

MineSight software has been improving and renewing itself when it comes to underground mining tools. Recently, new tools for this purpose were created and inserted into MineSight, highlighting its great potential in this segment of world mining. Among the new tools for “Underground” we can mention MSStope, Decline Design, Raise Design, among others. We can say that this advance to underground was leveraged and started by a great tool, the powerful Ring Design Tool. Ring Design (RD) is a tool for creating blasthole patterns on a plane regardless of orientation. The tool allows the creation of drilling plans (manual/automatic), loading the holes, generating detailed reports, allowing the customized plotting of the holes. Ring Design already has some standards for the creation of plans, such as the explosives to be used, the diameter of the holes, default density of the…

21 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MSSO – Sequencing Using Solids

MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) has different configuration options for the mining area: Open pit through polygons stored in a database; Open skies reading from text files generated by MineSight's reserve calculation tools (scd extension); GSM (Stratigraphic) models. Since version 4.5 of MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) with the Open Pit Mining Area option, it is possible to carry out its sequencing using solids, which are more accurate than polygons and the user also gains more facilities in viewing their mining plans. In the initial stages of preparation for sequencing, when discretizing the phases into cuts, you can use the new Auto Cut Generation plug-in, accessed from the Utilities menu, a versatile tool that will provide you with greater productivity. When working with solids, consider the mssoLevel attribute to indicate…

18 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Creating a shortcut to MSCompass routines.

It is quite common for MineSight users to access certain MSCompass routines several times throughout the day. One way to facilitate access to these routines is to create a shortcut, through the MineSight Procedures option. In this option, the user inserts the routines he wants, being able to separate them into different categories, as in the Menu tab of MSCompass. In addition, there is the option of defining a tag or using the routines' own Label for identification. Ready! Now the shortcuts are created and access to these routines occurs through the MineSight tab without opening MSCompass!

14 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Room and Pillar – Agility in evaluating underground layouts.

Today we are going to talk about MineSight Room and Pillar, the tool that allows users to quickly evaluate the Design of Chambers and Pillars, respecting profitable rates of ore extraction and the geotechnical considerations of the remaining rock mass. In an intuitive and simple configuration, the input parameters and the construction limits of the Chambers and Pillars are defined. The strength of each Abutment is calculated according to a linear or exponential equation, and it is possible to insert the geotechnical constants suggested by several authors, or even to apply the specific factors of a geomechanical study carried out in the region of a certain mine layout. The tool provides the user, domain and flexibility in the evaluation of underground structures! MineSight Room and Pillar provides, as a result, geometric objects in 2D (polygons) and 3D (solids) options of the generated structures: Chambers, Pillars, in addition to the areas and…

11 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: Economic Composites – Application of dilution and cutoff's in composite construction.

Among the many innovations and constant developments in the MineSight Torque database manager, we will highlight Economic Composites. This tool aims to create the maximum possible composite taking into account the defined criteria. Through this new option in the construction of composts, it is possible to define criteria for the inclusion of samples that will be part of the composts, such as percentage or absolute value of dilution in the cover and lapa, cut content of the compost to be constructed, minimum mineable thickness and even a combination of these three criteria. This new composite generation option is very useful, especially for chemistry-based modeled deposits such as gold vein deposits. Other criteria can be applied to the construction of these composites, such as secondary cut-off grades, actual sample thickness for holes with different azimuths and dips and…

10 Jan: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MineSight Planner – The Innovation for Short Term Planning.

MineSight is improving day by day, providing users with new tools and functionality. One of MineSight's latest innovations is MineSight Planner (MSPlanner). A tool aimed at the short term, offering the functionality of the well-known MineSight Interactive Planner (MSIP), but with more tools and showing a workflow in a completely new way and with a much more dynamic interface. MSPlanner provides the user with absolute control over their reservations, improving the combination of MSIP and MSIP-Material Manager, providing the generation of instant and customizable results. The tool has full integration with MineSight Reserves (MSReserves), using its reserve logic for cube calculations. In this way, adherence and reconciliation calculations are faster by adding multiple booking logics at the same time. Another differential of MSPlanner is that a connection to a database is not necessary…

09 Jan: Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: MineSight MS3D Underground Mine Planning – Vertical Openings Tool.

The Vertical Opening Tool is part of the Underground Engineering Tools menu toolkit, allowing the user to quickly and easily layout and design shafts, raises and other vertical openings in MS3D underground mining projects. The openings are designed using a center line, a template and a grid set as a basis. The opening will be created following the trajectory of the central line, with format and dimensions defined in the template and with incremental sections according to the desired distance or specified grid set. The end result is the creation of the centerline, vertical opening format, incremental sections, with the option to enter the name of elements, symbols and surfaces. All created elements will be stored in the object being edited and can also be assigned to material sets. The Vertical Opening Tool is divided into 3 sections: Center Line Section on…

08 Jan: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: MineSight MS3D – RSI Relative Surface Interpolator & Unfolding.

Complex geologies can pose challenges for modeling and interpolation. Narrow veins, folds, and bent bedding are just a few examples of deposits that can cause problems during the interpolation workflow, whether using inverse distance weighting, kriging, or other interpolation techniques that consider the distances between samples. For these cases, MineSight has a set of powerful tools that make your job easier. MineSight exclusively offers Dynamic Unfolding and Relative Surface Interpolator, a set of tools that improve estimation in folded deposits. This tool takes into account the distance relative to the mineralization time in the given lithology (unfolded) and not the simple distance from the composites to the block. Among other words, these tools unfold the lithological layers as well as the data needed for the estimation and perform the estimation with…

07 Jan: Prominas/MineSight Tips & Tricks: CAD Design – New Tools, Less Time Spent.

With the new MineSight updates came numerous new features and improvements, whether in performance, interface or features. In this Tips & Tricks we will talk about some of the new tools and functionalities that can facilitate the development of daily activities. These tools were developed in view of the continuous need for software improvement and through requests from MineSight users. Arc Radius and Distance This tool was developed so that the creation of arcs, chamfers and circles is done in an intuitive way, allowing the user to work quickly, efficiently and accurately. A great example of how easy it is to get multiple geometries is that, based on two axes, it is possible to create arcs or line segments just by including or excluding the number of points. In this way the results can be the most varied. Line of Sight The new Line of Sight tool was created…