MPSO Plan Comparison Tool: Quickly compare different sequencing scenarios created in MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO). In the development stage of the strategic planning of projects, it is of fundamental importance to create different scenarios, carried out from the variation of parameters, in order to identify an optimized plan that meets the goals of production, equipment and operational requirements. Through the MPSO Plan Comparison Tool, it is possible to quickly compare the results obtained in each of the scenarios performed and thus objectively analyze the impact of changes in the parameters of each project, facilitating the choice of the best scenario. The MPSO Plan Comparison Tool is accessed from the MinePlan menu and allows the selection of scenarios to be compared through the Projects button. Afterwards, it is possible to browse the Constraints and Reports modes and filter which information and results will be analyzed….
Hi! We would like to announce the release of “MinePlan 2020 Release 2” available on the Hexagon Mining website in the “Client Center” section, which can be accessed via the link // Highlights of this release are: Enhanced Reserves tool to version 4.0, with new user interface, integration of Activity Scheduler and Blast tools with Mine Enterprise, and new Terrain Exporter product to allow surface file export to be imported on Mine Enterprise. Below you can check the complete list with the various fixes and improvements: HxGN MinePlan 3D 15.80 includes the following improvements: Improved when using a set of polygons in mscode; “What's New” will only create an alert when there is new content; Fixes instability in Pit Expansion when using the Slots option; Improved hotkey assignment for Camera…
Bulk Cut Generator: Tool to cut solids in a simple and fast way. Do you need to generate solid cuts for your sequencing or project? With the Bulk Cut Generator tool, located in the Op Eng Tools menu, you can simply and quickly cut solids using a set of lines or polygons as boundaries. With these geometries, the user can define limits that accurately represent their feeds, producing cuts or operational feeds that can be used as input in mining sequencing tools. After specifying the input data, it is possible to use the Preview option to visualize the result, in which each color represents a cut. With the Apply option, the result is saved in a geometric object. Cuts can be named automatically using Wildcards and the naming order can be set…
Shortcuts and Hot Key Assignment: a quick and easy way to access resources in MinePlan 3D. Did you know that within MP3D there is a hot key (set of shortcut keys) already configured to optimize access to the various tools and resources present in the software? The complete list of these shortcuts can be viewed at: Help > Hot Key Help Dialog. Here's an example of what you'll find there: Figure 01 – Examples of shortcuts in MP3D Didn't find what you were looking for? Don't worry. The Hot Keys Assignment feature in the Help menu allows users to define custom shortcuts through key combinations to launch MinePlan 3D functions and tools. The shortcut keys created are defined by each user and are available for use in all projects. Settings can also…
Prominas Mining invites everyone to Hexagon Mining's Mining Tech Week, which will take place between the 13th and 16th of October. Topics including mine planning, operational management, drilling and blast optimization, safety, monitoring and how to relate these to the future of mining in Latin America will be covered. In particular, on October 13 at 11:00 am, the Technical Director of Prominas Mining, Gislei Silva, will participate as moderator of the Planning Workshop, to be given by Javier Castaneda! Sign up via the link: #prominasmining #hexagonmining #techweek #mining
Compress Model: Block Model Optimization Do you know how big your Block Model is? Is the project hogging the network or disk space? In situations where block model files are large, taking up considerable disk space, it is recommended to create a compressed model with the Compress Model option. Through the Compress Model it is possible to keep only the necessary blocks in the model. This is done by using solids that represent a workspace, which reduces the number of blocks to be used in procedures. In the following image, blocks can be seen outside the work area represented by the surface of the Final Pit. These blocks are irrelevant to the work related to this Pit. Figure 01 – View of the Model with the Pit To apply the Compress Model,…
Process Point: Optimized sequencing even more detailed in MPSO. In today's Tips & Tricks we'll bring you a new feature that will make MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO ) even better: Process Point. A new destination type that allows you to customize changes in grade, qualities and quantities as the material passes through a specific location in the process flow. With it, it is possible to elaborate a sequencing taking into account all the details of your mine, thus making it part of the optimization process in the MPSO. Working as a material entry and exit point, the Process Point allows, through simple calculations made in the Python language, that the material is transformed in relation to parameters such as mass, content, recovery and sent to another destination that meets a certain specification. Therefore, it is possible to insert the Process Point representing plants of…
Reconciliation Tool: Greater practicality for analysis between planned and accomplished. In today's Tips & Tricks, we have a novelty to present, the Reconciliation Tool, a very practical tool for calculations and analysis between the planned and the carried out in a mining plan. Through it we can analyze the efficiency of the mine during a certain period, that is, it will analyze the volume between what was planned and executed in the mine, making it simple to obtain solids from the topographical surfaces. The Reconciliation Tool is accessed from the OP Eng Tools menu in MP3D. The tool has 02 windows to be configured, in the first one, the user will specify the directory where the result will be saved, the start and end date of the reconciliation and also the name of the object that will be generated. This one, allows it to be manually named and/or…
Hi! We would like to announce the release of “MinePlan 2020 Release 1” available on the Hexagon Mining website under the “Client Center” section, which can be accessed via the link // The highlights of this release are: the new Reconciliation Tool, configuration of custom hotkeys through the Hot Keys option, integration with Leyca Cyclone 3DR and the option of Process Points type destinations in MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO) Below you can check the complete list with the various fixes and improvements: HxGN MinePlan 3D 15.70 includes the following improvements: New Tools and Features: Remote Folder, a functionality to create remote folders that allows dynamic links to external projects; Hot Keys feature allows users to define custom hotkeys in MP3D; Implementation of the Leyca Cyclone 3DR integration with the Nova Reconciliation Tool,…
Dear Friends, In compliance with the recommendations of the WHO - World Health Organization, regarding the worldwide effort necessary to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and, aware of its social responsibility, PROMINAS MINING, establishes, in a preventive way, to maintain its activities remotely | home office, indefinitely. Our service channels are still in full operation: Technical Support: Customer Relations: Phone: (31) 3497-5092 This action aims at the well-being of our team and all those who we serve. Sincerely, PROMINAS MINING