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D&T Prominas | Auto cut generation batch

D&T Prominas | Auto cut generation batch

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Auto Cut Generation Batch: Agility at generation of cuts.

Did you know that now the MinePlan does it have a functionality that allows the generation of cuts for several objects in sequence?

Located in the menu Utilities, the tool Auto Cut Generation now has a new tab called batch, allowing the user to queue up the solids to be cut.

To form this queue, you must first configure the parameters on the tabs Options (selection of solids, polygons or lines, definition of limits, etc..) and naming (definition of Element names and associated Material). Then on the tab batch, click in Add and select the object that will receive this result. By repeating this process for each solid, the queue will be built.

With the queue already built, you can see some information about the cuts: Index, listing the order in which the cuts will be executed; Name, referring to Cut Element Name created in the tab naming; Option, showing the type of element (polygon, lines or solid); Output Path, indicating the path where the results will be saved in each round.

To run the tool, just click on Run Batch, and follow through Message Window updates regarding the execution steps and the generation of solids.

Figure 01: Tab batch configured.

Wassup, did you like this tip? For more information about the tool Set Global Color by Range, in addition to other functionalities and tools of the MinePlan, contact our team and we will be happy to serve you.

To the next!!!

Team Prominas Mining

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