D&T Prominas | Hot Key Assignment: Assigning keyboard shortcuts to the MinePlan.
Did you know that within MP3D there is a set of shortcut keys already configured to optimize access to the various tools and resources present in the software?
In addition to the shortcuts configured by PopUp Menu for the right mouse button, MP3D also features a quick and easy way to assign and use keyboard shortcuts.
A set of shortcuts already exists, having been configured to optimize access to several tools present in the software. The complete list can be found in the menu help 🇧🇷 Hot Key Help Dialog, and we can see some examples below:
Figure 1: Examples of shortcuts.
To create new shortcuts, the feature Hot Key Assignment in the menu help allows the user to define personalized shortcuts according to use, through different combinations to launch the most used tools.
These shortcuts will be created according to each user, and are available for use in any MinePlan project. Using the function Export/import it is possible to share this setting with other users.
Figure 2: Example of creating a shortcut for drawing Polyline.
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To the next!!!
Team Prominas Mining