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Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: The Power of MSEP – Integrated Simultaneous Optimization and Sequencing in the same tool!

Tips & Tricks Prominas/MineSight: The Power of MSEP – Integrated Simultaneous Optimization and Sequencing in the same tool!

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The robustness of the MineSight Economic Planner (MSEP) tool is directly linked to the history of Mintec and MineSight. Developed since the 1970's and improved over the years, MSEP provides us with the great ease, speed and reliability that are the hallmarks of MineSight tools.

MSEP is at the top of the MineSight spiral, being a powerful tool that allows the design of economic pits, phases/pushbacks, production simulations, sequencing scenarios, economic evaluations, among others. With a diverse range of options, it enables its use in pre-feasibility and economic feasibility studies, as well as in the conceptual study stages of a mining project.

At the base of the tool is the MSOPIT, which uses the Lerchs-Grossman or Floating Cones algorithms for economic evaluation of the block model. Allied to the great resources of MSEP is the facility of Multi-Run, which makes possible, in an easy and efficient way, the study and simultaneous comparison of countless scenarios. With this integration, we can evaluate several scenarios with a single block model or also build simulations using several models with different scenarios for each one.

In addition to delimiting the pit, MSEP has several options that will help you in the best possible strategy for defining your phases/pushbacks. With the options: Base, MULTP, MULTV, MULTZ, AUTOP and Starter Pit, it is possible to control in a simple and objective way:

· Advances/phases with a certain mass and dimension;

· Minimum operating background and other geometric constraints;

· Operational spacing between phases (squares);

· Geometries of concentric and non-concentric pits with predefined directions;

· Angles of simple or complex slopes, fully respecting geotechnics;

· Search for richer materials or also manually defined;

· Possibility to generate up to 200 Pits;

In line with the definitions of the final pit and phases/pushbacks, the MSEP has the option of simultaneously performing the optimization and direct sequencing of the blocks. Through this option, with the insertion of production targets and discount rates, a preliminary economic evaluation of the project can be carried out, thus defining the pushbacks in the most realistic way possible for the project.

MSVALP is the MSEP module responsible for the economic evaluation of the project, making it possible to carry out a more refined sequencing and in it, the user adds the time dimension with the possibility of controlling restrictions, such as:

· Production targets;

· Total movement;

· Simulate the use of inventories;

· Cutoff Strategy/Optimization;

· Investments and discount rates.

With all this, the MSEP fits as an essential tool in the initial evaluation of a project, proving its viability, incorporating investments and production strategies, in addition to producing scenarios with different options: WORST, BASE and BEST CASE.

In addition to generating auditable results with different parameters, it is interesting that the user has tools capable of simplifying the visualization and interpretation of the results obtained from the project. For this, there is MSEP Charting, a tool used to build robust and customizable reports using Advanced Reporting and Charting (ARC) technology, including dynamic tables and graphs.

All this power of the MSEP tool is at the top of the MineSight spiral, which ranges from tools to aid in sampling and research to production control. In this flow, MSEP can be considered a valuable tool for strategic planning in mining projects and with the advancement of studies, the results can be optimized with the use of other MineSight tools.

To the next!

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