
Prominas University for Engineering OP 2021/1

Do you know Prominas University? We will soon hold another edition of our immersion program. With the objective of qualifying young professionals for the market, Prominas University offers an online and free training where participants will learn about the functioning of the HxGN MinePlan tools and suits with a focus on open pit mines: MinePlan 3D – CAD; MinePlan Pit Expansion – Pit / Pile Operationalization; MinePlan Evaluator – Pit Optimization; MinePlan Reserve – Cubing; MinePlan Haulage – Transport Profiles; MinePlan Schedule Optimizer – Strategic Sequencing; MinePlan Activity Scheduler – Tactical Sequencing; MinePlan Blast – Drilling and Blasting Plan. This edition will be aimed at newly graduated Mining Engineers or those who will conclude their graduation soon. The scheduled start is for the month of March 2021. Start of the Program: 03/08/2021 Duration…


Tips & Tricks Prominas | Texture Surface

Texture Surface: Applying Images as Textures to Surfaces in MinePlan 3D Did you know that you can apply digital images as textures to a surface? MinePlan offers two alternatives for adding images to a surface, the Texture Surface Tool and the Texture Surface from Image tools, both available in the Utilities menu. Through the Texture Surface Tool you can add different georeferenced images to texture a surface. When activating the tool for the first time, the dialog box will be empty. Subsequent executions of this function will save previously used textures and their location information, making future work easier. There are two methods for adding textures to a surface within the Texture Surface Tool. The Orientation option uses a point as the origin and the Corners option, in addition to using the origin, uses two other coordinates allowing the program to…


Tips & Tricks Prominas | MinePlan Reserves 4.0

MinePlan Reserves 4.0: New Reserves Version 4.0 brings evolution in the interface and new features. Would you like to perform a cube and be able to analyze more than one Cutoff item in the report or calculate the reserves between two period start and end surfaces? With the new version of Reserves, this information is obtained in a simple and efficient way. MPReserves 4.0 is more complete and faster. With it, the user will work with an interactive interface, being able to perform the cubing between two surfaces, solids, polygons and also an area of the model from the specification of a Range. Figure 1 – New Reserves 4.0 Interface When performing the cubing, between two surfaces for example, the information of one or more Cutoffs can be observed in the report and the names of the surfaces used can be verified in the…


Tips & Tricks Prominas | MinePlan Torque

MinePlan Torque: A data management system for drillholes, blast holes, and other types of spot sampling. Would you like to store your geological data securely and integrated not only with other MinePlan tools, but also with external databases? MPTorque is a database manager fully integrated with other MinePlan products allowing coding, spearing, compositing, interpolation and visualization of geological data. The data can be stored locally or on a SQL server, allowing its sharing and with complete security in its access and maintenance. Figure 1 – MPTorque Main Interface Figure 2 – MinePlan 3D Integration MPTorque is a complete solution and includes modules such as MPTorque QAQC. Figure 3 – MPTorque QAQC Import, export, validation and calculation routines can be automated resulting in…